Should You Really Be Using Professional Skincare?

We all know that there are hundreds of over the counter products (OTC) for your skin. Heck, even celebrities, influencers, and doctors are paid to advertise the OTC  products. It can be extremely overwhelming not knowing what product will work for you,  so you just pick up a product that you heard about, that promises to fix every single  skin condition under the sun. But should we be relying on these? Keep reading to find  out. 

I am often asked if professional skin care products work better than the over-the-counter products you can purchase at Target or the big box beauty stores. My answer is YES,  and here are the reasons why. 

*Fun Fact* - Did you know the FDA divides products into two categories?  Pharmaceutical and cosmetic are the two categories approved by the FDA. Cosmetic is  the category we are looking at today, and it has two subcategories: Over-The-Counter and  Professional. Professional lines are designed with the intent that the consumer will be  directed and mentored by a trained professional to use the products. 


    First off, I am going to explain about OTC products and how they are mass produced and why you should avoid them. This is not to bash any company, but to spread awareness and knowledge of this topic. 

    When a product is made in mass quantities, it becomes difficult to control the quality. OTC products are just that, made to be distributed and sold in department stores, drug stores, grocery stores, and beauty stores. Independent sales lines are also often made in large batches and mass produced with the same OTC quality and a higher price tag. 

    If we circle back to what I was saying earlier about how we get overwhelmed when there are so many options, we also know that many people self-diagnose their skin type/ concerns/ conditions. I’m looking at you through this blog right now, I know, I used to do the same thing too.

    OTC product producers know this about the consumers, so  they “specialize” in catering to “all skin types” by making their products with few active ingredients therefore they can sell to the masses and get away with it. To sell in high quantities and increase their shelf life, OTC companies use a large amount of fillers and preservatives. And your results? A superficial treatment that MIGHT provide temporary change (but might also irritate your skin due to the non-active ingredients such as synthetic colors, fillers,fragrances and harsh chemicals). 

    I am sure you have seen this before… Any OTC product that says Hyaluronic Acid for hydration. There is a reason it is so cheap and not $100 for that serum alone. They can legally get away by watering down their one good ingredient and adding fillers to the product and selling it cheaply, all while saying it is a “hyaluronic acid” serum/ moisturizer.

    Fun fact.. It is also illegal for OTC products to actually penetrate the skin.This is a fact and not opinion. 

    Now, that I probably bored you with talking about Over the Counter products let's get to why Professional lines are made in small batches. 

    Professional skincare lines are often made in small batches and distributed only to authorized resellers; ie. to licensed skin care professionals,spas and salons. Professional products have higher levels of the active ingredients our skin is begging for. These active ingredients and the products themselves are formulated to help skin conditions while fitting your skin care needs. With creating products in smaller batches they are better able to maintain the ingredients’ integrity and freshness. This is the secret behind why professional skin care bottles and packaging are often smaller in size. With higher concentrations of active ingredients and fewer preservatives, there is  no need for large bottles. 



Professional skincare products are formulated to perform (make a difference in your skin.) There is soooo much research that goes into the selection of each ingredient,as well as, the science behind it to ensure that ingredients will work well together for the product to perform the best possible way on the skin. It is important to understand that an ingredient will only be professionally active if enough of it is being used in the product. That is how OTC sucks you in. It may seem to contain all the good stuff, but it’s not concentrated enough, and it is just going to sit on top of your skin. Professional skincare products are specially formulated to help eliminate skin concerns  while suiting to your specific skin type. Despite what OTC companies would have you  believe, skincare is not a one-size-fits-all kind of situation. Heck, no two services I offer  are the same. 

Raise of hands, who has dealt with acne before? Well, certain skin concerns such as severe acne need higher concentrations of active ingredients to diminish the problem. As the level of active ingredients in products increase, it becomes even more important  to choose a high-quality product made by professionals, so as to not damage your skin. 


When a product lacks active ingredients, you must use ingredients that have large molecules so the product can not penetrate the skin. Also, back to my fun fact before that it is illegal for OTC products to have the molecule size to penetrate into the skin. The skin has a protective barrier that prevents large molecules from penetrating it, this  is for your safety that the harmful ingredients or other ingredients do not cause harm at a deeper level. When a product can’t properly absorb into your skin you will only see temporary relief. It is only an illusion that the products are working. 

Professional products are designed specifically with smaller molecules so it can penetrate into the skin. Our goal is for the products to work into our skin and create the results we desire. For our skin to see change, there must be change at a cellular level.



PH is something that isn’t always talked about when we hear of skincare products, but it is something that is extremely important for our skin. Our skin functions at it’s best when the pH of the skin is between 4.5-5.7. Over the counter products don’t take pH value into account and often shift the skin’s pH to an alkaline state. If you look at the image below, the pH scale goes from acidic, neutral to alkaline, this may help you get a better idea of how your skin transforms. Being in an alkaline state leaves the skin vulnerable to bacteria, free radicals (pollution & UV rays) which in turn, can damage the skin. Professional skincare products are designed to support your skin’s barrier function by using pH-adjusted ingredients. This keeps your skin healthy and stable. 



Hear me out. Yes, if you look at professional and OTC side by side, OTC’s price appears to be cheaper. This is why sometimes professional skin care gets a bad rep for being “too expensive”, but that is nowhere near the truth. Professional products price their products according to concentration of active ingredients, quality ingredients and the science behind the products vs. fillers and harsh chemicals. When you take into account that a professional product is made with higher quality, higher concentration of active ingredients, and made to target your concerns; it actually works out to be more cost effective. Also, when you use the products properly they will last you a long time! Remember a little goes a LONG way when it comes to professional products. 

Quality > Quantity 

Professional products are put through quality control testing, made with higher quality ingredients, and have proven results. 

Here is why the ingredients, effectiveness, and quality matters- a little goes a long, long, long way. Yes, some of my favorite serums cost from $65-70 but because they are made with high quality ingredients they can last for over 6+ months. I am obsessed with the results I have seen! I can honestly say I absolutely LOVE all my skincare lines. It is 100% worth it. 

P.S- Please note, professional skin care available on websites and stores such as  Amazon, Ebay, TJ Maxx, Macy’s, etc are usually discontinued (expired) and/or fake  products. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard people call about a skin irritation,  bad odor, and many other issues from products they found at these places. 

Don’t forget perfect skin is not a destination but rather a journey, so cherish every step of this change. 

Last but not least, professional products are sold by professionals. Professional skincare products are sold by professionals – not by a young sales assistant who is fresh out of school. Nor are they sold by paid celebrities, influencers, paid doctors, or someone who doesn’t understand the science of the skin. As a result, when you buy from a professional, you’re not just getting the product but all the training and education that comes with it, too. 

At Rejuvenate Skincare Studio you will have your skin examined and a skincare regimen created just for your specific needs and goals. So, don’t wait, book your consultation today!
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